Flyers in DzC and New Scenario Pieces for Pre-Order!

New modular monorailThe monorail scenery pack and Orbital Defence Laser scenery pack are available for pre-order on the hawk wargames site, at 45 pounds each. The monorail in particular looks amazing, with a series of pylons supporting a flexible plastic track which you can use to put seven feet of track on your table, in whatever shape you desire. Between missions you can change up the track shape!  Continue reading

New Experimental Rules for March Releases

Hawk wargames have released the UCM Eagle, Scourge Harbinger, Scourge Stalker, PHR Mercury, and Shaltari Caiman Heavy Grav Tank.

Scourge HarbingerEach of these units, look like they are going to introduce some serious changes to the DzC meta. The Scourge Harbinger, for example, is a heavily armoured dropship, combined with capable demolition, and light AA. It’s going to take some serious AA to knock down a dropship with 4 damage points, and armour 6. With the threat of an E11 bomb and the capability to down light dropships on a 2+ followed by a 3+, it is going to be a great distraction unit once it’s dropped it’s payload, at 55pts.

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DZC: Expanding the Starter Set

The DZC Two Player Starter Set has been getting a lot of airtime recently with channels like Beasts of War and Natfka posting up some great content. The two player starter set gets you two mirror-match forces of three main battle (or grav in the case of scourge) tanks, three AA support tanks, three APCs, thirty infantry (on bases of 5) and three dropships. This gives you around 550pts each, enough for a small skirmish, and while it’s probably one of the best starter boxes out there, it’s just that, a starter box.

The natural extension, therefore, is where do you go from here? I’ll attempt to explain where I would take the starter forces, as someone who has done just that.

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Introduction to Dropzone Commander

What is Dropzone Commander?

Dropzone Commander is a 10mm wargame of manoeuvre and combined arms fought largely in urban environments where the mission trumps raw carnage. Breaking from the traditional igougo system, it uses the more modern fashion of alternate activation.

Dropzone Commander Artwork Continue reading